Saturday, 20 August 2016

Peter and Paul

"Robbing Peter to pay Paul" That's what the news presenter said about the cuts to the Paralympics in Rio.  To make the mainstream Olympics super special or maybe just fit for purpose they robbed the Paralympic pot.  Poor old Peter, still never mind eh its not like he's not used to it. Some might even say poor old disadvantaged Peter, how awful to do that to the disabled folk, at least they'll still be able to have a go, that's the main thing.

Back in 2012 we hot footed it to Spain during the Olympics, I was a bit of a conscientious objector.  With the cuts hitting services so deeply and in the midst of a recession it just felt wrong to me to be spending so much money on it all.  I have to say I regret that a bit now, everybody seemed to be having a ball whilst we were away but we did make it back for the Paralympics.  I watched and so did my son.

My son loves football, he wanted to be very much like his younger step brother and play in a team, win matches and be part of a club.  I found a disability football club but he wasn't interested as he thought being disabled and playing disability football was "less than".  We managed to get him into a mainstream club as a goal keeper, it didn't go well.  I stood on the side lines in the pouring rain watching him let in 15 goals and be hated by the rest of the team.  He felt utterly crap about himself.  It was a hard time.  I kept telling him that his disability meant he had to be more determined, work 10 times harder and that he should be incredibly proud.  He didn't believe me.  Then we watched the 2012 Paralympics. Then he got it.  He watched in amazement at the achievements these athletes made and listened to the stories they told of how hard they'd worked.  He started to feel proud of having a disability.  That helped him turn a corner.  He joined the amazing Football for All disability league, playing firstly for Sutton Eagles then Wandgas.  Him and his team recently made it to the finals of the FA peoples cup.  They were beaten by big, huge men on crutches, they didn't expect them to move so fast!!

Myself and my partner became massive fans of "The Last Leg" what a breath of fresh air that was. "You mean disabled people can do cutting satirical comedy"  "They can have an opinion" "They can actually do it better than us!" The 2012 Paralympics gave so much to people with disabilities, not just the opportunity to boo George Osbourne.  It made them present, the mainstream finally noticed and took part with them. A massive step towards inclusion and acceptance.

But now this..........Urgh. I'm not seeing much on social media about it, no one is raising their fist, shouting from the rooftops at how outrageously unfair and unjust it is that the Paralympics is being given "less than".  In 2012 the Paralympians were not at a disadvantage due to their disability, oh no, they were given the same as their fellow Olympians and that is how equality works.

During the last year I've been trying to help improve services within my Local Area with the help of a very vocal, fantastic group of parents.  We've sat and we're heard "but there is no money" over and over and over again.  Now just imagine Peter and Paul both have a disability, one is affected by their disability differently so needs a different service to the other but the Local Authority only have enough money for one service.  Who robs who?  Or maybe we rob both and give them both half a service?  That's how decisions are being made. Peter and Paul find it hard to get media coverage for their plight, they only make up a small percentage of the voting population so basically, who gives a shit. " Their parents?," "Look just tell their parents, we are giving them the minimum service we can get away with, that's all we have to do.  Compete in Paralympics?????? WTF are you asking for, a Rolls Royce Service, that's tax payers money you know, take what's on offer and be realistic"

Yup that's the general tone and the current situation in Rio is the same.  All the determination, hard work and courage in the world will make you a great athelete but it takes money to show the world how amazing you are. Come on world please take notice this is unjust, unfair and unequal.