Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Temporarily Scuppered

I can hear the call of my local shiny marble shopping centre as it sits shimmering like a distant oasis.  But this making time is a lot harder than I thought.

First of course was half term, no chance there. Then the curious incident of the brace in the night time which took a day at the hospital orthodontics department.  Its a situation I have to keep on top of.  It was a matter of principle from the moment Mr Dinosaur the consultant looked at my son, raised his eyebrows and said "No need for expensive orthodontics for these people".  My young man now has properly aligned jaws and sports train tracks in the colours of his favorite footy team.  So if part of it pings off in the night time it must be addressed swiftly so no unjust blame can be thrown in our direction.

That evening; Panorama with its undercover docu about care homes for adults with Autism and Learning Difficulties-my sons diagnosis although his is mild to moderate.  I've only just sorted out his education and vowed not to think any further ahead for now but that program forced me as violently as the punishments the carers dealt out, to a bleak future. I stayed there for a few days along with other Mums I know trying to support each other.

Up next the dog got ill AGAIN. Off he went to dig his little death hole in the garden, typical male over reaction just like he did at Easter when he caught Kennel Cough.  Money I could have spent on foundation, lippy and mascara all spent on diarrhea tablets and potions for pooch.  I'm beginning to resent him.

The choice tomorrow is to iron and mop or to shop. It is, or if it isn't it should be, every womans right to own an up to date make up bag with effective beautification products. But what's this? An order form for a Number Shark CD rom has just been shoved under my nose, cost £50.  Cant quite justify concealer over sons education but his dinner money...........

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